Buyers Brain 5 Step System

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COUPON Expires August 31St 2024

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Buyers Brain Offer Review

One Time Offer $97: Attend our first  LIVE  Buyers Brain Bootcamp event on August 30th 2024. 12pm EST 

Once added to your order, you will receive the Zoom admission ticket via email.

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Here's What's Included

The Buyers Brain 5 Step System Video series.
Bonus 1: The Buyers Brain Chatgpt prompts
Bonus 2: The Buyers Brain Web template
Bonus 3: The 4 "eye"  Client Transformation system
Bonus 4: "Price The Product" Hidden psychology behind coming up with the offer selling price. 
Bonus 5: The Buyers Brain Launch Checklist.
Bonus 6: Core Traffic Strategy-Remove the complexity get the data.

A Few Of Your Questions Answered

Question number one

Will this work if I don't have a product?

Ideal if you don't have a product. As a lot of times starting with product puts you in the "hammer" state where everything looks like a nail because you have the hammer. BB(buyers brain is designed to create an offer which will lead to a product down the line)

Question number two

I'm not a guru and a "no-known household name" human. Will this work for me?

Beautifully. One of conditions for designing this was to be relatable and provide the positioning. I too am a "no-known household name human" and prior to this offer, you've probably never heard of me. The systems focuses more on the people we serve than the status we hold. The status is a byproduct of service rather the cause of service. You'll be fine.

Question number three

I have no idea which market to select. How will this work?

Market selection is not as crucial as problem and pain identification. Pains and problems exist within markets. If you can start with the problem or pain, you'll have the market pre-selected for you. Too much valuable time is lost in trying to fit everything in to the big three categories (health, wealth and relationships) rather than identifying the problems within the 3. The first step of the buyers brain addresses this.

Question number four

How much should I charge for my solution. I struggle with this?

Great question. I struggled with this too. Don't worry as one of the included bonuses, I go through several pricing models that you can chose from to come up with the ideal pricing structure for your buyer.

Hint: The perceived value has to greatly outweigh the asking price for the transaction to take place.

Question number five

I'm not in sales. How will this help me?

That is such an amazing question. I thought I wasn't in sales too until I realized that nothing, absolutely nothing happens unless a sale is initiated. From ideas, to even how we communicate with our friends and family, having a sales framework helps in optimizing communication which simply means relaying a message that is received and acted on. The buyers brain in a nutshell is a masterclass in communication using biology to get our ideas acted on. Remember the first person you have to sell to is you. BB covers this on Step 1.

Question number six

How soon will I get access to the system and does it make sense to get tickets to the bootcamp?
For the first part of the question, immediately upon investment and the second part it'll depend on you. If you're the type of person who learns faster in a LIVE group setting, then you will find this extremely valuable and I'd recommend attending the bootcamp to hear what questions fellow BBD's(BuyersBrain Designers) have. However if you learn and implement faster in isolation and don't see the need for the bootcamp, then focus on getting your offer up the BB style. No pressure and there's no right or wrong just which makes sense to you right now.


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